© Mikha Wajnrych
© Alessia Contu
Cie Mossoux-Bonté

Light ! • DVD

Film by Patrick Lemy


A journey in shadow and light, the performance Light! was perfect for a cinematic version.  The images of Patrick Lemy captured the essence: the trouble that exists between the reality of a body and its phantasmic projections, between inner worlds and their deformed prolongations, their colossal amplifications.


Concept and interpretation Nicole Mossoux
Choreography and direction Patrick Bonté and Nicole Mossoux
Original music Christian Genet
Scenography Jean-Claude De Bemels and Mikha Wajnrych
Costumes Colette Huchard
Make-up Jean-Pierre Finotto
Technical direction Pierre Stoffyn
Film director Patrick Lemy
Director of photography and framing Jean-Jacques Mathy
Stage manager Thomas Béni and Mikha Wajnrych
Stagehand Tan Van Tham
Film editor Patrick Lemy
Remix and mastering Gérald Fenerberg
Special effects Michèle Squarci

Production Compagnie Mossoux-Bonté in coproduction with Charleroi/Danses, Centre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, KAOS Films, V.A.T. 75 and Carbon 7 Records.
With support of SACD and Théâtre Varia, Brussels.