© Mikha  Wajnrych
© Mikha Wajnrych
Cie Mossoux-Bonté


How to let oneself be inhabited by intentions and to produce signs that carry meaning for the spectator. How to develop one’s presence without undermining the complexity of our imaginary journey when we are at play. How to create specific languages …

The Company has always made sure to organise moments of transmission during laboratories for dancers, actors, singers or puppetteers be it in our rehearsal studio, in performing arts schools or where our tours lead us.

Every workshop day starts with physical exercices to prepare the body. Particular attention is paid to the complexity of its mecanisms. We then focus on approaching the connection between movement and presence through improvisations based on group attentiveness, the load of intentions, the development of situations and their stylisation.

The workshops are given by Nicole Mossoux and Patrick Bonté sometimes in tandem with artists who develop complementary techniques or approaches : Colette Huchard, costume designer, Agnès Limbos, object theater creator, Natacha Belova, set designer and pupetteer, …

Creating bridges between disciplines is one of the trademarks of the Company.

Some long-term laboratories have led to public presentations. Some images are available hereunder: Forock / Neboj / About ghosts / Petite Imposture / Cosmic Orphans.